"Knowledge is love and light and vision." —Helen Keller ----Mrs. Zawis' class is a place where third grade Gifted students spend one day a week working on critical thinking, social skills, scientific approach, creative expression and research methods. We learn a lot and have fun doing so! Check out what happened today in Gifted.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Da Vinci

Today in gifted we learned about Da Vinci . We made our own version of the Mona Lisa which is Da Vinci's most famous painting . We gave our paintings a title written backwards . We drew the Mona Lisa step by step . One of the easiest ways to read backwards words is by holding it up to a mirror which we did to check our work . No one knows if the Mona Lisa is a male or Female . Another interesting thing is the Mona Lisa's mysterious smile . She blends in to the backround of the painting . And wherever you go she will be looking at you .
-Kyle and Jack

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