"Knowledge is love and light and vision." —Helen Keller ----Mrs. Zawis' class is a place where third grade Gifted students spend one day a week working on critical thinking, social skills, scientific approach, creative expression and research methods. We learn a lot and have fun doing so! Check out what happened today in Gifted.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Hink Pinks

The most fun I had in GIFTED was hink pinks that is when we think of a riddle and it has a ryhming ending either in 1 syolable (hink pinks) 2 syolables (hinkey pinkeys) 0r 3 syolables (hinkety pinketys) my riddle was:

what is hinky pinky for a happy food found on bushes

A= A merry berry
from :Andy

Monday, November 5, 2007

Our field trip

Today we went on our field trip to St.Paul's Church to listen to the Trio Virtuosi's play classical music. There was,a violin, a flut,and a piano.2 of the songs they played together,and 3 other songs they played was alone. By,Paula

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Wonderful World of Gifted!

Thank you for coming to open house!

I am so fortunate to work with the very best children and therefore the very best parents in the world. I treasure the days that I spend with each and every student. Thank you to all who attended our open house. It was a pleasure to meet and talk with you. I look forward to getting to know you and your families even more as the year goes on. I am adding the voicethread presentation that we watched last night so that you are able to see it if you were not here. Enjoy!